English speaking​

Altid studierabat

Vejen til et tilfredsstillende liv

Ekspert i chok- og traumeterapi

Mere end 15 års erfaring


My name is Line Rotenberg and I´m the owner of AFEL psychotherapy.

AFEL is an acronym in Danish for: Responsibility for your own life.

Most of us have a choice and therefore a responsibility when it comes to taking care of ourselves and work with our past and our coping strategies to live the best life we can. In therapy I will support and guide you on your way to healing.

It´s not always easy to do, but you can get a fuller life, with more contact, joy and presence.

We cannot undo our past, but we can chance our future.

I’m a psychotherapist and Somatic Experience® Practitioner, I have had my own full-time practice since 2009.

I´m assisting on SE®-trainings and are accredited to give personal sessions on all levels.

My clinic is placed in the city center of Odense, and I give sessions in English.

My primary work is with:

  • Stress (also GHIA)
  • Chock-trauma
  • PTSD
  • Complex PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Consequences of physical, psychological and sexual abuse

But you are welcome with what is important for you. If you are in doubt, you’re welcome to book a 30-minute free interview.

Kind regards


Contact me

​Mail: afel-line@protonmail.com

Phone: +45 31125870

Or use the contact form on this website.

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Line Rotenberg

Filosofhaven 40C, 1. sal, 5000 Odense C

Klik her for rutevejledning

Kontakt mig

​Line Rotenberg

Telefon: 31 12 58 70

E-mail: afel-line@protonmail.com

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medlem af psyko
